Material requirements
Used programs and file formats (PC and MAC):
›› FreeHand
›› PhotoShop
›› PDF-format
›› Indesign
›› Illustrator
›› CorelDraw
›› Corel Photo-Paint
›› QuarkXPress
›› PageMaker
›› Make sure text has been converted to paths if possible.
›› Slide, colour negative or high-class picture / drawing
›› Originals high-resolution CMYK or RGB -pictures
›› Resolution 1:1, full-sized
›› Shirt and table flag printing no less than 200 dpi
›› Digit®- and indoor decoration no less than 50 dpi
›› Pole flag printing no less than 30 dpi
›› Colour codes are defined as Pantone or processcolours. When making Digit® and CMYK printing it is not possible to do
all the Pantone colours. Pantone's Euroscale processcolour map is used as CMYK colours´ reference.
Material Submission:
›› Mailings no bigger than 10MB to
It's recommened to use specifier when naming the files.
(e.g. logo.fh9)
›› 10-50 MB files to or to our ftp-server.
›› Files bigger than 50 MB to our ftp-server. (Get the codes and directions by e-mail:
Or you can post a CD-ROM, Jazz (1/2 GB) or Zip (100/250 MB)
›› Make sure the files that you are sending are either LZW-packed or saved as packed jpg. Alternatively you can make
files lighter with Stuffit or Zip packing or save it as PDF.
Pictures from jubilee exhibition in 1992.